Publication: Acción y sentido en John Dewey
Ballesteros, Juan Carlos Pablo
Ballesteros, Juan Carlos Pablo
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Universidad Católica de Santa Fe
Para Dewey la acción humana se explica en la relación entre medios y consecuencias.
Comienza por establecer la concepción del conocimiento y la función de la inteligencia,
que no es descubrir la existencia de una realidad a la que deba adecuarse porque no
hay un orden de esencias inmutables e intemporales. La influencia de la psicología de
James fue importante para su concepción epistemológica y en sus escritos tempranos
ya está presente la explicación de la acción humana originada en los hábitos y el medio
social. Su instrumentalismo sostiene que nuestras ideas dependen de las acciones y que
los juicios morales son objetivos porque todos los juicios prácticos son objetivos. Este
estudio trata de establecer si puede justificar esa objetividad.
For Dewey, human action is explained in the relation between means and consequences. He starts by establishing the conception of knowledge and the function of intelligence –which does not discover the existence of a reality to which it must adapt because there is not an order of immutable and non-temporal essences. The influence of James’s psychology was important for his epistemological conception and in his early works the explanation of human action based on habits and the social environment is already present. His instrumentalism holds that our ideas depend on actions and that moral judgments are objective because all practical judgments are objective. This paper tries to determine if Dewey can justify such objectivity.
For Dewey, human action is explained in the relation between means and consequences. He starts by establishing the conception of knowledge and the function of intelligence –which does not discover the existence of a reality to which it must adapt because there is not an order of immutable and non-temporal essences. The influence of James’s psychology was important for his epistemological conception and in his early works the explanation of human action based on habits and the social environment is already present. His instrumentalism holds that our ideas depend on actions and that moral judgments are objective because all practical judgments are objective. This paper tries to determine if Dewey can justify such objectivity.
Dewey, Acción Humana, Ideas, Juicios Morales, Fin en Perspectiva, Conocimiento, Pragmatismo, Instrumentalismo, Hábito