Publication: El concepto de “registración constitutiva”
Vitali, Héctor Horacio
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Universidad Católica de Santa Fe
El “Derecho Registral” se presenta al pensamiento jurídico como un sector
relativamente moderno. El estudio de los “principios” y conceptos que en él se manejan no
están exentos de anfibologías y polisemias. Además de ello, el concepto de “registración
constitutiva” en particular, que supone que la registración crea o hace nacer o mutar a los
derechos reales, se muestras como una creación original, de factura exclusivamente
germánica que, por razones de índole ideológicas y cierta fascinación progermánica
imperante en nuestro país, ha alcanzado aplicación en algunos registros. Estos factores
ideológicos y progermánicos han pasado inadvertidos o han sido subestimados por parte de
la doctrina y de algunos fallos judiciales, lo que ha traído y trae a diario interpretaciones
contradictorias, como por ejemplo en lo que hace a la determinación del momento preciso
en que se activan las acciones posesoria y reales, la consecuente legitimación para ejercitar
tales defensas, el momento en que comienza la responsabilidad por los daños que puedan
causar los bienes sujetos a registración, la forma en que deben ser transferidos, entre otras.
Nos proponemos demostrar que la registración constitutiva es un “injerto” o un “fórceps” a
nuestro sistema de base romanista, que reconoce con precisión lógica y pragmática la
“registración declarativa”, es decir, que la mayor parte de los derechos reales y sus
mutaciones nacen o se producen fuera de la “orbita” de los registros y que la registración en
éstos tiene un mero efecto publicitario
The "Registration Law" is presented to legal thinking as a relatively modern sector. The study of the "principles" and concepts that are handled in it are not exempt from amphibologies and polysemics. In addition to that, the concept of "constitutive registration" in particular, which assumes that the registration creates or gives rise to or mutates to real rights, is shown as an original creation, exclusively Germanic, which, for reasons of an ideological nature and certain prevailing pro-German fascination in our country has been applied in some registers. These ideological and pro-Germanic factors have been unnoticed or underestimated by the doctrine in general and judges in particular. This has brought and brings daily contradictory interpretations, such as, the determination of the precise moment in which the possessory and real actions are activated; the consequent legitimacy to exercise such defenses, the exact moment when liability begins for the damage that may be caused to goods subject to registration; the form in which they must be transferred; among others. We propose to demonstrate that the constitutive registration is a "graft" or a "forceps" to our system based on Romanism which recognizes with logical and pragmatic precision the "declarative registration"; that is to say, that most of the real rights and their mutations are born or occur outside the "orbit" of the records and that the registration in these have a mere advertising effect.
The "Registration Law" is presented to legal thinking as a relatively modern sector. The study of the "principles" and concepts that are handled in it are not exempt from amphibologies and polysemics. In addition to that, the concept of "constitutive registration" in particular, which assumes that the registration creates or gives rise to or mutates to real rights, is shown as an original creation, exclusively Germanic, which, for reasons of an ideological nature and certain prevailing pro-German fascination in our country has been applied in some registers. These ideological and pro-Germanic factors have been unnoticed or underestimated by the doctrine in general and judges in particular. This has brought and brings daily contradictory interpretations, such as, the determination of the precise moment in which the possessory and real actions are activated; the consequent legitimacy to exercise such defenses, the exact moment when liability begins for the damage that may be caused to goods subject to registration; the form in which they must be transferred; among others. We propose to demonstrate that the constitutive registration is a "graft" or a "forceps" to our system based on Romanism which recognizes with logical and pragmatic precision the "declarative registration"; that is to say, that most of the real rights and their mutations are born or occur outside the "orbit" of the records and that the registration in these have a mere advertising effect.