Publication: Poder basado en la dominación autoritaria
Cervera, Felipe Justo
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La historia presente muestra la tendencia al predominio del Poder basado en la dominación
autoritaria. El mismo se manifiesta, tanto en escala mundial (caso invasión de Irak, por parte de
EE.UU, e intromisión armada de Rusia en Georgia) como subcontinental (América del Sur) y
Para ejemplificar la dominación autoritaria en la Argentina se toman dos casos: uno referido a
Manuel Obligado en ocasión de realizar la conquista de la región chaqueña (norte de Santa Fe y
Chaco) conquista que tuvo como objetivo posesionarse del territorio habitado, desde centurias,
por grupos indígenas que conformaban sociedades altamente ligadas al sustento de la tierra en
cuanto eran economías de subsistencia. El segundo ejemplo toma una obra de ficción de la
literatura argentina, “Antígona Vélez”, de Leopoldo Marechal. La misma refiere a la conquista
de la pampa del sur, en cuanto recurso productivo, donde la organización y acciones se basan en
la dominación autoritaria. Esta impone un orden social capaz de llegar al extremo de la muerte de
sus miembros en función del cumplimiento del objetivo básico de expansión territorial, más allá
de todo derecho humano.
El creciente predominio del modelo de dominación autoritaria, corresponde, aparentemente, a
una nueva realidad histórica.
The present story shows the tendency to the predominance of power based on the authoritarian domination. This is evident, on a world scale (case of Irak invasion, on the part of USA. as well as the Russian armed intromissión to Georgia) and on a subcontinental (South America) and national scale. To exemplify the authoritarian domination in Argentina we consider two cases: the first refers to Manuel Obligado on the occasión of the conquest of the “Chaco Santafesino” region. The aim of this conquest was to take possession of a territory that had been inhabited for native groups, along centuries. These groups formed part of societies that were highly related to land sustenance with respect to subsistence economy. The second case takes a fiction work “Antígona Vélez” from Leopoldo Marechal. It refers to the conquest of the South Pampa, as regards to productive resources, where the organization and actions are based on the authoritarian domination. This imposes a social order capable of killing some of its members in fulfilment of a basic objective: the territorial expansion, beyond all human right. The increasing prevalence of the authoritarian domination model, apparently, belongs to a new historical reality.
The present story shows the tendency to the predominance of power based on the authoritarian domination. This is evident, on a world scale (case of Irak invasion, on the part of USA. as well as the Russian armed intromissión to Georgia) and on a subcontinental (South America) and national scale. To exemplify the authoritarian domination in Argentina we consider two cases: the first refers to Manuel Obligado on the occasión of the conquest of the “Chaco Santafesino” region. The aim of this conquest was to take possession of a territory that had been inhabited for native groups, along centuries. These groups formed part of societies that were highly related to land sustenance with respect to subsistence economy. The second case takes a fiction work “Antígona Vélez” from Leopoldo Marechal. It refers to the conquest of the South Pampa, as regards to productive resources, where the organization and actions are based on the authoritarian domination. This imposes a social order capable of killing some of its members in fulfilment of a basic objective: the territorial expansion, beyond all human right. The increasing prevalence of the authoritarian domination model, apparently, belongs to a new historical reality.